Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How to Create a Document Library in MOSS 2007?

What is the use of Document library?

Create a document library when you have a collection of documents or other files that you want to share. Document libraries support features such as folders, versioning, and check out.

How to create a Document Library in SharePoint 2007?

1. Open a SharePoint web site.

2. On the left side link bar, click Documents.

3. On the Create Page , click Document Library.

4. In the Name box, type a name for the list. The document library name is required.

5. In the Description box, type a description of the purpose of the library. The description is optional.

6. In the Navigation section, click Yes if you want a link to this list to appear on the Quick Launch bar.

7. In the Document Versions section, click Yes if you want a backup copy of a file to be created each time a file is checked into the library.

8. In the Document Template section, specify the type of file used as a template for new files in this document library.

9. Click Create.

Now you can see the document library in left side link bar.

How to Upload a document in SharePoint 2007?

1. In Document library section , Click the Upload -> Upload Document.

2. Browse to the document you intend to upload.

3. In Version Comments Section , Type comments describing what has changed in this version.

4. Click Ok.

Now you can see the Uploaded Document.

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